California wildlife has been offering a lot of surprises lately. Humpback whales have been wowing onlookers along the San Francisco Bay with their spectacular leaps. Several gray wolves have been seen along the Oregon border and California’s only known wild wolverine was spotted in the Tahoe National Forest. Naturalist and adventure travel guide Michael Ellis joins Forum to talk about natural happenings, local and global. Ellis is just back from from Brazil’s Pantanal where he saw elusive jaguars and endangered giant river otters. He’ll also share stories of his recent travels in Tanzania, Bhutan and Ecuador.
Related Coverage
- Close Up Video of Whales Feeding in San Francisco Bay ( — mentioned on air)
- Humpback Whales Exploring the Bay in Unprecedented Numbers (KQED Science)
- Point Blue Celebrating 50 Years of Protecting and Studying California’s Birds (Forum archives — mentioned on air)
- How to Get Kids Away From Screens and Into Nature (Forum archives)