A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape and a field of red dollar symbols are collaged to the left of the building.

Proposition 5

Should California reduce the vote threshold needed to pass certain local bonds for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects?

Passes with majority vote.

8,239,337 votes
6,738,890 votes
Race called at 8:39 AM PT on November 8, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.

Results are provided by the Associated Press (AP). The AP calls races by analyzing vote tallies and other election data. Check marks are used to denote a result only when the AP calls a race.

Currently, any local bond measure on the ballot must be approved by a two-thirds supermajority of voters in order to pass. Proposition 5 would reduce that threshold to 55% for bonds that fund affordable housing or public infrastructure projects. 

Yes Argument

By making it easier to win voter approval for issuing bonds, Proposition 5 will empower local governments to address immediate priorities without having to wait for state and federal funding. It will also level the playing field with school districts, which can pass bonds to fund school upgrades with only 55% of the vote.

No Argument

The amendment’s language around funding “infrastructure projects” is too vague and could apply to anything. Proposition 5 could allow for massive tax hikes, because bonds are paid for by increased property taxes. If Proposition 5 passes, politicians could pass bond measures more easily, further hiking taxes for property owners. 

Campaign finance data comes from the California Secretary of State’s office or the Federal Election Commission.

Updated at 6:00 PM PT on Oct 31, 2024
Source: California Secretary of State
In Support
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Advocacy
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California
California Professional Firefighters
The Related Companies of California
Multiple Donors
In Opposition
California Association of Realtors
National Association of Realtors
California Business Roundtable
California Business Properties Association
Gerald J. Marcil

Key Supporters

This list represents notable organizations and individuals who have taken a position on the ballot measure or candidate, or who are funding campaigns in support or opposition. This list is not exhaustive, and may be updated.

In Support

  • AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  • California Democratic Party
  • California Professional Firefighters
  • California State Building and Construction Trades Council
  • California YIMBY

In Opposition

  • California Association of Realtors
  • California Chamber of Commerce
  • Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers
  • Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

More Statewide Propositions

A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

8,820,842 votes
6,207,380 votes
Race called at 5:45 PM PT on November 6, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

9,477,435 votes
5,658,187 votes
Race called at 10:30 PM PT on November 5, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

9,055,116 votes
6,086,414 votes
Race called at 10:07 AM PT on November 6, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

7,882,137 votes
6,895,604 votes
Race called at 6:11 PM PT on November 10, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

7,686,126 votes
7,469,803 votes
Race called at 5:03 PM PT on November 19, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

8,975,542 votes
5,979,880 votes
Race called at 12:02 AM PT on November 6, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

7,378,686 votes
7,121,317 votes
Race called at 5:34 PM PT on November 20, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

10,124,174 votes
4,783,434 votes
Race called at 9:28 PM PT on November 5, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
A black and white mid-rise apartment building is pictured at three-quarters view, revealing a pink side wall with a medical cross symbol on it. A small blue shape is collaged to the left of the building.

Passes with majority vote.

10,307,296 votes
4,756,612 votes
Race called at 8:57 PM PT on November 5, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.