PBS LearningMedia now boasts over 30,000 assets including video clips, lesson plans, interactive games, animations and audio reports. This robust library offers compelling media to supplement and complement learning. Below is a list of short videos and longer webinar recordings to help bring the resources available in PBS LearningMedia to life in your learning environment.
1. PBS LearningMedia Overview
New to PBS LearningMedia? This short video provides an overview of PBS LearningMedia, covering the basic features of the site.
2. Five Ways to Use PBS LearningMedia in Your Classroom
There are many ways to incorporate multimedia into learning, but what are the most effective ways to use this library? Here are the top 5 ways, from a list of ten, suggested by Iowa Public TV to incorporate PBS LearningMedia into teaching.
3. Searching and Saving
Learn how to search and save resources that you find for later use.