Nikki Henderson. Photo: People's Grocery
A new class at UC Berkeley is getting a lot of buzz. Edible Education: The Rise and Future of the Food Movement is all about food politics. In an unusual step, Cal is opening up the 13-week course to the general public. Well, the class was open to all. Three hundred free tickets for the first night were snatched up in less than fifteen minutes. Student enrollment filled up just as fast. Edible Education is being organized, and funded, by Alice Water’s Chez Pannise Foundation. Nikki Henderson, the executive director of People’s Grocery in Oakland, along with author and U.C. Berkeley journalism professor Michael Pollan, will co-teach the semester course.
Michael Pollan. Photo: Alia Malley
Think of the sustainable food movement as a dinner party. Edible Education will take a look at the guest list and topics of conversation. How do the slow food movement and food justice fit together? What does corporate food look like? The class will feature immigrant farm workers telling their own stories. Each week will include a guest lecturer.
Here’s the line-up:
- 8/30: The Global Food Movement, Founder Carlo Petrini with Corby Kummer
- 9/6: Building a Successful Movement, Peter Sellars
- 9/13: The Politics of Food, Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H.
- 9/20: Perspectives on Race, Place & Food, Alegria De La Cruz, Rebecca Flournoy, Yvonne Yen Liu
- 9/27: Nutrition, Health and Diet Related Disease, Patricia Crawford & Robert Lustig
- 10/4: Corporations & the Food Movement, Jack Sinclair, Jib Ellison, Michael Pollan
- 10/11: School Lunch and Edible Schoolyards, Ann Cooper
- 10/18: Global Economies of Food: GMOs, and Feeding the World, Raj Patel
- 10/25: Agriculture and Social Justice, Eric Schlosser, Greg Asbed & Lucas Benitez
- 11/1: What is an Edible Education? Alice Waters
- 11/8: Food and the Environment, Frances Moore Lappé & Gidon Eshel
- 11/22: Van Jones
- 11/29: Place Based Models of Change, Brahm Ahmadi, Hank Herrera
The class is every Tuesday from August 30th through November 29th, 6-7:30pm (doors open at 5:30pm) at the Wheeler Auditorium at UC Berkeley.