KQED's new local program Check, Please! Bay Area premiered last night! The series will be aired Thursdays at 7:30pm and Saturdays at 1:30pm on KQED TV9. You will also be able to view it on Comcast On Demand and KQED 191 Life.
Every week, Check, Please! Bay Area features three guests who are local diners, not professional restaurant critics. Each guest chooses their favorite restaurant and the other two guests visit that restaurant under total anonymity -- the restaurants are not notified that Check, Please! "reviewers" are dining there. After trying each other's restaurant recommendations, the guests come on the show to discuss, dispute, and celebrate their dining experiences with lively commentary. The panel of diners is moderated by host Leslie Sbrocco, an award-winning author and wine connoisseur. At the end of the show, each restaurant is rated based on the panelists' comments.
The Check, Please! blog (kqed.org/checkplease) features restaurant information, recipes and guest reviews. Videos of each episode and a food photo gallery will soon be available.
This week's episode 1 reviewed: Old Krakow Polish Restaurant, Incanto and The Hard Knox Cafe. Please feel free to join the discussion by posting comments about the show and your reviews of the featured restaurants!