Sunday Skool is the newest collaboration between the Vau de Vire Society and trombonist Adam Theis’s Jazz Mafia. The Vau de Vire Society provides thrilling circus acts with an edge of burlesque, and Theis provides the soundtrack. Together they’ve been staging shows for years, but finding suitable spaces for a circus show, cocktail bar and dance club hasn’t been easy. The performers recently reached a deal with The Great Northern in San Francisco for an occasional Sunday night circus series, with a bar and an afterparty with performances by Gift of Gab and Lateef from Blackalicious backed by the Jazz Mafia, followed by DJ Platurn into the wee hours. You’ll get an idea of what to expect from the video below. The next circus is Nov. 19; details here.
Mix Circus, Music and Burlesque, and Shake Well

Vau de Vire Society stages the circus acts for 'Sunday Skool' (Photo: courtesy of Vau de Vire Society)