The Projectionist captures a day-in-the-life of 27-year old projectionist, Mike Rice. As visuals of magenta and tungsten fill the frame, Mike's narration begins by delving into the beginning of his film aspirations, but goes on to a wider picture, elucidating the role of the projectionist in cinema - a thankless, but nonetheless essential role in the "creation of the magic" of movies. But throughout we circle back to the most pressing question: will the death of analogue film be the end of projection? Although he believes the two are inexorably linked, he offers a sense of hope: as long as movies are still made with pride, there will still be people who want to project and watch it that way too.
Joji Baratelli | Director, Producer, Cinematographer and Editor
Joji Baratelli is an 18-year-old filmmaker and photographer out of Los Angeles. Although just a senior in high school, he has completed a number of short films that have played in the L.A. high school film circuit, which have garnered a number of awards. He currently attends Crossroads School and plans to continue on with his education at Yale College next fall. Outside of school, he works as a writer and director at Adolescent Content, directing commercials for internationally-recognized brands and continuing to create short films.