Most Likely to Make You Cry: Budweiser, "Brotherhood"
Set to Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide" (the very first time Nicks and Co. have allowed the song to be commercially licensed), the relationship of a Clydesdale and his breeder unfolds, from wobbly first steps to the horse's entry into the big leagues. Years later, the breeder tries to reunite with his long lost pal and what happens is Christian the Lion all over again. Commence ugly crying.
Most Likely to Be Confused for an Ad about Illiteracy: Subway, “Febru-any”
Various athletes fail to correctly pronounce Febru-any, in an attempt to get the nation talking about the need to make positive changes to our education system. Oh, nevermind, it's about sandwiches.
Most Likely to Make You Offer a BFF Bracelet: Best Buy, "Asking Amy"
Amy Poehler continues to dominate our hearts by asking questions about dongles and clouds and leaves us with a burning question of our own: why isn't she our best friend yet?