In case you've been off the internet and haven't turned on the TV or radio for a solid eight hours, we have some bad news for you: Prince has died.
If your immediate reaction to this is to burrow under the covers moaning "This is what it sounds like when doves cry," well, we can't blame you. But, to be honest, that is probably not what our close personal friend Prince would have wanted us to do. He would have wanted to us to dance. He would have wanted us to get animated. He would have wanted us to go crazy.
Here are some opportunities to do just that. We'll update this list as we hear about more.
Thursday, April 21:
San Francisco City Hall will be going purple at 8 pm, thanks to a lightning-quick social media campaign apparently kicked off by FunCheapSF.
Also at 8 pm: Prince memorial flash mob at the Ferry Building.