Remember a few months ago, when presidential hopeful Ben Carson's campaign tapped a young Republican rapper named Aspiring Mogul to write a Ben Carson-themed rap? (That sick flute riff! How could you forget?)
Never one to be outdone, it seems Donald Trump also felt he needed a snappy, "see-I'm-hip-with-the-youngs" kind of theme song, and this, ladies and gentlemen -- this unholy stew of innocent children, pageant outfits and propaganda -- is the result.
Give yourself some time for this one. Take a few deep breaths.
Here's what we know:
- These are three members of "The USA Freedom Kids."
- They performed this ditty yesterday, Jan. 13, at a Trump rally in Pensacola, Florida.
- They are lip-syncing (or, as my esteemed colleague Emmanuel just put it, Ashlee Simpson-ing) the hell out of this thing
- "Deal from strength or get crushed every time" is a lyric the writer of this song, 53-year-old businessman Jeff Popick, thought would be a cool thing to hear coming out of the mouths of young children
- One of those children is his own 8-year-old daughter
- Judging by the crowd behind the kids, audience reactions ranged from "this is cute" to "not feelin' it" to "I'm just going to take this opportunity to send a lot of text messages" (good work, dude in the front left).
TIME has an interview with the brains behind the catchy little tune, in which one can learn that the elder Popick, a huge Trump supporter, originally wrote the song "in honor of Lt. General George Patton, who led the U.S. Army when it liberated Italy in World War II, but tweaked it to focus on Trump."