America! Are you feeling a little stressed out as of late? The post-holidays back-to-work grind got you feeling a little jumbled in the head? Or is it wintertime, with its S.A.D.-inducing dearth of natural night, that's got you anxious and low -- in need of some kind of bright, consistent, soothing sights and sounds?
A clear explanation continues to escape us, but the numbers don't lie. According to, a site that tracks Netflix and Amazon video views, a whole lot of us are going bonkers over what sounds, on paper, like the most boring video of all time: an hour of footage of an electric house fan turning serenely back and forth, perched on a table next to a window with sunlight streaming in. The title? Oscillating Fan For Your Home.
It's been available since Dec. 23, a few days before which Netflix issued this highly self-aware trailer.
At the time of this writing (10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 14), Fan is supposedly the No. 4 most popular video streaming on Netflix, with Parks and Recreation coming in at No. 6 and Training Day at No. 12.