Oakland's Shannon and the Clams have dealt in danceable, beachy garage-rock and soulful doo-wop for the past half decade. But the trio's most recent record, Gone By The Dawn (Hardly Art), is shot through with a dose of longing that's plainly audible beneath the standard irreverent, reverb-soaked guitar lines. (Both bassist-vocalist Shannon Shaw and guitarist Cody Blanchard went through rough breakups while writing the album, so, you know -- makes sense.)
"Darlin’ it’s too late/to make it right/I had my chance/but I didn’t try," wails Blanchard in "It's Too Late" -- the new video for which you should go ahead and watch below. Cautionary tale about wandering off in the woods -- or admittedly weird beginning of a beautiful friendship? You be the judge.
The Clams are currently en route to Europe for a few weeks before returning home to the Bay; they'll cap off a big year with a two-night stint at the Great American Music Hall on Dec. 30 and 31, sharing a bill with fellow local faves Sonny and the Sunsets.