If you were born in the late '70s or early '80s, chances are you were a big fan of My So-Called Life, the short-lived teen drama that introduced us to Jared Leto and made us want to dye our hair red and mumble something inappropriate about Anne Frank's diary in English class.
Since the show wrapped, Claire Danes is killing it on Homeland and, against all odds, Jared Leto is an Oscar winner, but what ever happened to A.J. Langer, the actress who played everyone's favorite bad influence, Rayanne Graff?
According to The Telegraph, Langer is basically living in a modern-day episode of Downton Abbey. Thanks to sexist inheritance laws, she's now a Countess in England and lives in a 14th century castle that has money problems. That's a long way from one of Tino's house parties! How did she manage it? I'll tell you.
You see, she met this rugby dude in Vegas who happened to be Charles Courtenay, the son of the Earl of Devon. They eventually got married and had kids. Meanwhile, back on the 4,000 acre family estate called Powederham Castle, said Earl was having money troubles, struggling to upkeep the property. One source of income was hosting civil ceremonies, which brought in £200k a year. But that dried up after his license was revoked for denying a gay couple because their marriage was "objectionable to his Christian religion." He then had to resort to selling heirlooms to make ends meet. And then he died.
The Earl's estate and title now belong to his only son. His three daughters, all older than their brother, get bupkis because ovaries. And now the artist formerly known as Rayanne gets to be called the Countess of Devon and her two young children are a Lord and a Lady. And everyone lives happily ever after...except for the new Earl's sisters.