Remember back in April, when local lifestyle blog The Bold Italic suddenly called it quits? We all listened to Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men's "One Sweet Day" for a while, looking heavenward and asking Why?! Well, turns out we kind of jumped the gun on all that grieving because they just pulled a Lazarus:
The Bold Italic Rises from the Dead, Planning a Comeback

Has newspaper chain Gannett changed its mind?
Or will this be under the wing of a new company?
Will the former employees get some reward for surviving the whole You're-unemployed-and-all-your-dreams-have-been-dashed-J/K! switcheroo?
Was this all a genius stunt?
We'll update this post with answers to these questions and more, as they reveal themselves!
According to Broke Ass Stuart, Gannett has sold the brand to a new media company run by Sunil Rajaraman, a tech entrepreneur who stepped down as CEO of Scripted (a content farm company) earlier this year, and Sonia Arrison, a writer who covers technology. Neither worked on The Bold Italic's previous incarnation and currently no former employees are attached to this revival.
Jeremy Lybarger, the former managing editor of The Bold Italic, had this to say: "One of the sad ironies in local media is that a site that so often bemoaned the city's loss of soul will now, at best, be operated by well-meaning "creatives" from the tech industry...or, at worst, be a content mill catering to self-consciously hip advertisers. "
All I can say about this troubling turn of events is: