As one gets older, it becomes increasingly more difficult to keep up with the music world and increasingly easier to just cuddle up to the albums you've loved for years (cut to: me wearing my granny house coat obnoxiously singing Joanna Newsom songs). But you should snap out of that and reengage 'cause it's only Wednesday, and a lot of wonderful things have already happened in music. Let me count the ways:
1. Christine McVie Returns to Fleetwood Mac
This news deserves a whole post of its own. It deserves sky banners and bulletins from the emergency alert system and probably some movement on the Homeland Security color bar. Christine McVie, the force behind such hits as "Say You Love Me," "Don't Stop," "Everywhere," and "You Make Loving Fun," left the band in 1998, but is finally ready to rejoin her mates. "I suffered from some kind of delusion that I wanted to be an English country girl," she now explains, "and it took me 15 years to realize that it's not really what I wanted at all." The band's rep says that a tour may be in the works for as early as this year.
2. Fiona Apple Releases New Duet with Her Sister