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Grant Yee: Hit the Ground Running

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Grant Yee shares how he became passionate about playing volleyball and how it improved his life.

I remember when I was 14-years-old and looking for a new identity. The lasting effects of the global pandemic had stripped me of the joys I once had in basketball. The feeling of competing at a high level and playing with my friends was no longer there with the sport. I was an eager kid seeking out a new sport and realized that the kids around me had more passion for the sport of basketball compared to me.

This led me to pursue volleyball. I started playing volleyball when I was in 10th grade but I had to play up in age and go into a club with a higher level of competition because of the late start and limited availability on teams.

Some challenges I faced playing volleyball that are different from basketball is the teamwork aspect. Volleyball taught me that my actions really affect others on the team, whether it was the plays I made or my body language on the court. Volleyball taught me to dive into things head first without hesitation. It taught me not to pass up the opportunities that are presented to you in the moment.

I wanted to pursue the sport at a high level, so I worked hard to be better and to take the chance I had before it passed me by. I knew it was tough, but I kept working on it and putting in the time with morning practices and nighttime practices.


I eventually became a leader on my school volleyball team. The leadership, drive and confidence volleyball gave me has shaped my life for the better. I became more ambitious. I was recognized with awards and leadership opportunities.

The new perspective I’ve gained has opened up many choices for me and provided the passion I craved and was missing from basketball.
So if you ever feel stuck in life, feel free to jump into something new because it just might change you for the better. With a Perspective, I’m Grant Yee.

Grant Yee is currently a freshman at San José State University where he is pursuing new passions with a newfound confidence.

Grant is a graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School. His piece was produced as part of the Youth Takeover Classroom program. Hear more stories like this one at KQED.org/youthtakeover 

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