Inspirational messages can feel cloying and cliché, but Marilyn Englander tells us about a time she took a chance and listened to one of those messages.
At a business near my home stands a large sign displaying motivational messages to improve the general public. I drive by, shaking my head at such futile good intentions. Yet, recently, the words lingered in my mind, “It’s so easy to be nice.”
I had a series of tedious phone calls to make — the medical insurance, the DMV and worst, Social Security. I procrastinated, dreading the tinny hold music leading finally to a surly customer service agent.
At last, though, I sat down to make my first call, expecting frustration and a big headache.
I waded through a long menu and finally reached an agent at Social Security. My last call there, I’d experienced withering condescension and impatience. It had required all my willpower not to swear.