When Alex Giardino’s only son left for college, she found her empty nest rapidly filling up with plants.
I think things are going to be ok with my house plants. But it’s been a long year for us.
When I say year, I mean academic year because things really started for me and my house plants in September 2022 when my only child went away to college. After dropping him off at his new dormitory, I returned home to four hardy house plants. Now, my son is wrapping up spring quarter, and I have 25.
I’m a single mom. With my child away, I sat bewildered, as empty-nesters sometimes do. All the quotidian things had shifted. I didn’t need Costco trips. Laundry took weeks, not days, to pile up. Driving to work, I started to reflect on all the moments and missteps of my parenting.
But it was the energy of caretaking that churned. That’s where the plants come in.