Vaccines are ramping up and with them, of course, the conspiracy theories. Tom Moriarty finds one of them especially ironic.
My favorite conspiracy theory about the coronavirus vaccine is that each shot contains a tiny microchip designed to track our every move.
I admire this particular piece of nonsense because it overlooks the fact that most of us have already been tagged and can be tracked down by Bill Gates or the government pretty much at will. Big business and other nefarious actors can also use the device to read our minds and accurately predict which products we’ll buy and who we’ll most likely vote for.
And to make matters worse, these masters of the dark arts of persuasion can even nudge us toward certain brands or candidates or ideas, and not only predict what we are going to do, but almost make us do it. All with just the push of a button.
The microchip delivered via the vaccine is allegedly so small that it’s all but impossible to detect. The device I’m talking about is much bigger, and if you feel around for it, I’m pretty sure you can find it.