For 13 years, Genevieve Schweitzer took piano lessons in person. But the pandemic forced them online, and it’s not the same. YR Media brings her Perspective.
At six years old, I sat in front of a piano for the first time. With my Crocs-clad feet dangling several inches off the floor, I allowed my teacher, Ms. Jones, to gently guide my fingers through simple three-note melodies. Little did I know that this was the beginning of my 13-year-long journey with the instrument.
Over the years, I grew to love everything about the piano: the gentle ridges between the keys beneath my fingers, the smell of old sheet music, the sound of notes blurring together richly with a press of the damper pedal.
So when quarantine hit and I could no longer attend my weekly lessons in person, I didn’t think it would affect my piano playing. After all, my instrument wasn’t going anywhere. I would be able to keep practicing, and I made plans with Ms. Jones to have lessons over Face Time every Wednesday.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that these virtual lessons don’t really work for me. Internet issues always rudely interrupt my etudes and sonatas, leaving Ms. Jones incapable of giving me feedback.