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Roy Eyal: Dear Treasury Department

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President Donald Trump had his name put on each stimulus check, but Roy Eyal figures it should be someone else a taxpayer, like him.

Dear Treasury Department,

You forgot to put my name on a few of those stimulus checks.

Let me start by saying that I am immensely grateful to be a physician on salary. My work is meaningful, and I am lucky to have relatively strong financial security. The privilege of financial security comes with another privilege, paying taxes. While I do not agree with all the ways my tax money is spent, I am confident that the government, for the most part, uses my money well. I am proud to be a citizen of a great country founded on the principles of equity, freedom and checks and balances on power. My tax dollars fund vital work by paying for our military volunteers who protect me, teachers for my children, health care for my neighbors and infrastructure I depend on. These are great investments and right now my tax money should be spent to help prevent economic collapse.

So, a couple weeks ago I finalized my 2019 taxes and sent a check to you, my Treasury Department. I felt okay about that until I heard that my money was going to be re-gifted and labeled as if it was the property of a fellow citizen. Yes, that fellow citizen happens to be the president, but he did not earn the money I sent you. I am confused about this oversight and want to make sure you don't forget me, and the millions of others who also paid taxes to you, as well as the millions more who will be paying the debt created by the stimulus checks over the coming decades.


Would it be too much to ask you to give credit where credit is due? Would you please make sure to put my name and theirs on some of those checks, too?


Roy Eyal

P.S. After the president releases his tax returns, you may or may not find that his name should also be on some of those checks. When he asks you to put his name on them, I hope you give him the same answer you give me.

With a Perspective, I’m Roy Eyal.

Roy Eyal lives with his family in Berkeley and is a Richmond psychiatrist.

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