A cancer diagnosis means Lessly Wikle Field is already defying death every day. The coronavirus? It's just one more thing.
My recent visit with death has left me realizing that it can steal life right out from under your nose. One minute, you are thinking about dinner, and the next, you are off to the hospital to save your life.
Facing death in times of pandemic, adds another dimension, but oddly, the virus is just one more thing in death’s arsenal, not necessarily the thing that will kill you.
When I first got diagnosed with cancer, it seemed like the biggest thing that could happen. Was I going to die? How would I say goodbye? Did I have enough time to structure my affairs, leave easy-to-follow instructions, and make sure any action needed to close the book of my life was not painful for others?
Today, after a sepsis infection, during a pandemic and still fighting cancer, life feels so much more basic than that. Am I drinking enough water? Should I take a nap? How are my bowels? Do I have the strength to round the corner of our block today and extend my walk by 15 paces?