Lying may seem like a handy tool to evade responsibility for what you’ve done, but eighth grader Sabrina Kizer has learned that even the little lies can haunt you.
When I was a little girl, my first instinct was to lie. I would tell my dad I had already read, just so I could get five extra minutes to play with my dolls. I would tell my mom that I didn’t eat any chocolate that day, just so I could have more for dessert. I was unaware of how something as small as telling the truth could be life-changing.
However, the problem with lying was that when I told the truth, my parents didn’t believe me.
So one day, at around age 7, my heart started to ache. Just like any other kid does when they get hurt, I screamed for my mom. When my mom came, she told me that I was fine and nothing was wrong. The feeling in my chest eventually passed but did come back every two weeks or so.
Since my mom knew I had been one to lie, she put no second thought into it, like the boy who cried wolf.