There's a cold civil war brewing in the US and one of the coldest fronts is where factions attempt to draw the line on political correctness, a term that, for all its power these days, perhaps enough to derail our nation's politics, few people bother to define.
We're told PC is wrong, but what is it? One vague notion is that it's taking offense. If you're offended by what I do, then you're PC and therefore wrong.
The main target of PC-policing these days is the left, always fretting about things said by right wingers. Many Trump supporters subscribe to this notion. To them, it's time to throw off the shackles of left-wing hypersensitivity.
There are plenty of hypersensitivities on the right too, but somehow these don't count. Fox news fretting about gay marriage, Planned Parenthood, and transgender bathrooms. No that's not PC, that's just upholding standards.
The United States is an apt oxymoron of a name for our country. Which are we, a united whole, or individual states? It matters, since they're opposites.