Everyone takes things for granted. Usually, you don't realize it until it is taken away. People don't think about how they have a roof above their head, food on their table, or a great school to learn and grow at. Most of us just think about what we don't have, what we want instead of what we have.
I have a brother. He is nine and he has a genetic disorder. He's had it since he was born. What happens is his body fills with inflammation and he gets really high fevers that last up to six weeks. My parents and the other people around me didn't realize how much it affected me until about five months ago. My brother's disease tends to keep me up night after night. It always made me scared, but a few months ago, it finally hit me. It was like an explosion inside of me that I finally couldn't hold in anymore. I started not feeling good one day. I thought it was just some sickness, but two weeks later, when I was still out of school, I finally realized it was anxiety.
There you go mom, two kids with disorders!!
As you can probably guess, we live a very stressful life Nine-plus pills for the both of us. My parents having to work, but also be home a lot with sick kids. It's been a lot, but then I realized there are people out there with more problems than us. No house. No family. Cancer. No money. I have a home, a loving family. I know my parents care because they are always there for me. I've got my brother, even though he's always sick, he is the best brother I could ask for. He can still walk and talk, and annoy the living daylights out of me.
I wish we could all just realize that we have more than we think. Money doesn't bring us happiness, family and friends do. And that is all that matters.