My two sons have gone to what some describe as "good" public schools in Sacramento for 13 years. You know the type. The PTA raises money for arts and music. There are Autumn Fairs and St. Patrick's Day Breakfasts. Test scores are high.
If you follow coverage of the Governor's school finance reform plan, you'd assume I'm against it. It's been portrayed as a battle between well-to-do suburban districts and less fortunate ones. Like Walnut Creek has everything to lose and Oakland Unified everything to gain.
As usual, it's more complicated than that.
First, let's get the facts straight. The plan significantly increases funding for schools that serve at risk children-whether they're low income, learning English or foster children. No districts will lose money. The plan makes school funding more transparent and ups community control. A zip code doesn't neatly predict winners and losers.
I support the proposal, with both my heart and my head. I don't talk much about what's in my heart because I don't want to sound like a sanctimonious jerk. But here it goes.