Pointing out the fact that I'm blushing doesn't help at all. Whispering, "Look she's blushing," to your neighbor makes it worse. I realize I am blushing, and yes, it happens very often.
In books, girls blush and it's "cute" because someone compliments them. But it isn't cute because I'm sure that the girl wasn't expecting it and was totally embarrassed. When I blush, I can feel all the heat rush to my face, and I cannot hide it. My hair cannot be swept over my face, and I would have to put on many layers of makeup to hide the crimson of my face. If I put my hands up to cover it, it will only draw more attention to me, which will eventually make me turn an even darker shade of pink.
I hate how my emotions are on display for everyone to see. I am already hesitant to share my feelings with others, but with blushing, people can figure out pretty quickly how I'm feeling. When one of my friends asked me about my topic on this Perspectives piece, I responded, "Blushing," and automatically felt my face get hot.
"You don't like blushing?" he asked.
"No," I quickly answered, but I didn't even need so say that because it was clear on my face how I was feeling.