In the current discussion of health care, we seniors are often thought of as an endangered species requiring special care because our bodies and minds are on the fritz. Aging for many young people is analogous to that strange uncle who comes uninvited to a family gathering. And once he's there, he's given the same amount of attention devoted to an unappetizing bean dip.
So for those who wonder what aging is all about, I've developed what I call my Understanding Old Folk's Manual that contains 10 simple tidbits that are less complicated to understand than a VCR instruction book and I hope more useful.
1. Not knowing the latest Oscar nominees doesn't mean we're uninformed. Uninformed is not understanding why Korea was partitioned.
2. Moving slowly doesn't mean we've lost our marbles. Check out any book written by Stephen Hawking.
3. Though we forget names, we understand the complexities of living which those who are younger are still trying to learn.