Have you ever transferred schools before? For the record, it is one of the hardest things I had to do in my life. I had to say goodbye to friends you just met. It made a huge dent in my childhood.
I remember when it was the final day of school at my previous school. I was telling all my teachers that I was leaving and I needed my work. The melancholy was spreading throughout my body as I said these words. I had a knot in my throat when I realized that I might never see these people ever again. When I said goodbye to all the people I liked, they responded, "Goodbye," as their happy faces turned sad. I left the school carrying a heavy load: four extremely heavy grocery bags containing all my work, my backpack, and my lunch.
I felt heavyhearted about leaving my friends behind. I had no choice to leave but I had to follow my parents' commands. I told my self to snap out of it and said to myself, "I am not going back to that school, so stop feeling sorry for yourself."
Currently, I am glad at my school. I have teachers and friends that are nice. The things I am learning about are interesting. The first day of school at my new school, everyone greeted me and made me feel warm and normal. I don't think much about my old friends anymore, sadly though. I feel better away from them.
Probably a lot of you think that transferring schools is easy, but it is actually very hard. It's pretty depressing a little, too. I would say transferring schools is one of the biggest adjustments of my life. Thankfully it had concluded. Don't expect that it will be hard and it won't be hard, but if you expect it to be hard, it's really hard.