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Blog Beat: Still No Layoffs at Yahoo!; New Shotgun Players' Production; Santa on the MUNI

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  • First came the anonymously sourced report of imminent layoffs at Yahoo! Then today comes the rumor-heavy blog post speculating that the axe may already be on the downswing, followed by the news reports, some with the all-forgiving question-mark hedge, based on that post. And finally comes the meta-post on the whole thing. But all we can say for sure, as of 2:51 p.m. on Tuesday, is this: So far, no layoffs have been announced at Yahoo!
  • Berkeleyside previews the upcoming production of Jon Tracy's Of The Earth by Shotgun Players, debuting in January at The Ashby Stage. The production will be the second in the theater's Odysseus cycle of plays.
  • Happy belated 233rd birthday, San Jose! You're a great town, and your roads don't look a day over 230.
  • What is that mysterious train-whistle sound in the Haight? Haighteration wants to know.
  • Times are really tough when Santa has to take MUNI. I just hope that's not his complete bag of toys.


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