It might sound like the funding woes facing California's state parks have been addressed. A $54 million surplus has been found in the Parks Department budget - hallelujah! That's more than enough to cover the $22 million budget deficit that had state officials planning to eliminate funding to 70 state parks.
So parks supporters can pop the (organic) champagne and celebrate, right?
Not so fast.

"I think the jury's out about how this is going to play out," said Elizabeth Goldstein, president of the California State Parks Foundation, on KQED's Forum this morning.
Goldstein has reason to be cautious. Of the $54 million surplus, $33.5 million is in the Off Highway Vehicle Trust Fund and can only be spent on off-highway vehicle services. That leaves $20.4 million in the Parks and Recreation Fund for the state legislature to re-allocate to keep the parks open, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Sunday.