- From San Jose Inside: How Police Profiling Can go Wrong
- The California High Speed Rail Blog says "Once Again, Legislative Analyst Ignores Benefits of High Speed Rail"
- A report from Richmond Confidential on Richmond resident Mark Abell's new “alternative classical” album The Dream Gallery
- A 25-year-old Andean bear named Wishbone has died at the San Francisco Zoo, reports Ocean Beach Bulletin.
- From Uptown Almanac: After many months of construction, the new Dolores Park playground will open Mar 31.
- From the San Francisco Citizen, a post called "Even If You Own a Car, You’ve Got to Admit That This Five-Vehicle Crash on Hayes was Pretty Funny." Photo included.
- Just for funs, here's a Fast Pass circa 1983, from Muni Diaries.
Local Beat: 'How Police Profiling Can Go Wrong'; Benefits of High-Speed Rail; Dolores Park Playground Re-Opening; Fast Pass Circa 1983