Los Angeles Suburb Mourns Student Lost in Bus Crash
More than 1,000 people gathered in El Monte, a working-class suburb south of Los Angeles Monday night to remember Adrian Castro. The 18-year-old high school senior was among those killed in last week's deadly school bus crash near Sacramento.
State Senate Leader Drops Carbon Tax Proposal, Unveils New Cap-and-Trade Plan
One of Governor Jerry Brown's more controversial budget proposals has gained new support. The state Senate's top Democrat Darrell Steinberg said on Monday he now favors the idea of using climate pollution fees to help fund high-speed rail.
Final Deadline Arrives to Sign Up for Health Care
This year's enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act - and for California's health care marketplace Covered California - closes Tuesday night. For some people the new health law is a life-changer, but for others it won't make a difference.
Study: Heavy Tax Burden Still Falls on Low-Income Workers
Tuesday is also the deadline to file federal and state income tax returns, or to file for an extension. Californians who make more than $500,000 will find they're paying substantially more to the state than they were before voters passed Proposition 30 a couple of years ago. But a new study by the California Budget Project says those higher taxes for higher-income workers has not lightened the tax burden for low-income workers.