8:40 p.m.: KRON has broadcast pictures showing what's described as "a minor mess"—trash cans tipped over, etc.—inside Oakland City Hall. So protesters definitely got in. Current report is that they're all out. ABC7 overhead shot showed several dozen people headed down Broadway from City Hall toward Oakland Police Headquarters.
8:30 p.m.: Journalists, including KGO-AM radio reporter Kristin Hanes, are among those reported arrested. (Word via Twitter from another ABC reporter is that she was arrested because she had a San Francisco PD press pass, not an Oakland PD one.)
Also, ABC7 helicopter live video and other sources are showing a cordon of police officers outside City Hall. Which doesn't necessarily mean there are no protesters inside. One photographer on the scene has reported on Flickr that the building was unlocked.
8:25 p.m.: Occupy Oakland sent out a text at 7:37 p.m. that protesters had "broken into" Oakland City Hall. So far, we don't see independent confirmation of that--video evidence, photographic evidence, or reports from known individuals (journalists, protesters, indy media) on the street.
Instead, main action seems to still be centered at the YMCA at 24th and Broadway. Polce "kettled" protesters outside the building, and the OakFoSho livestream, usually a reliable source, says that some protesters entered the building. Police are said to be saying the protesters tried to occupy the YMCA. Arrests there are ongoing.
6:50 p.m.: Via protest accounts relayed on Twitter: Oakland police surrounded about 200 demonstrators near 24th and Broadway, announced they were under arrest, and are now in the process of trying to arrest the entire group. ABC7 helicopter live video shows a large group corralled outside the YMCA at that corner.
6:30 p.m.: Latest, via KCBS and Twitter: March left Frank Ogawa Plaza and stopped at vacant lot at 19th and Telegraph that Occupy Oakland tried to turn into a camp a couple months ago. Confrontation with police ensued after some protesters knocked down fence; KCBS reporter Tim Ryan says some protesters threw bricks at police there and some arrests ensued; he estimates "20-something" arrests. He says several hundred marchers now around 24th and Broadway. Occupy Oakland messages via text say police have "kettled" the march there and are calling for supporters to come to that area.
5 p.m.: For the last 45 minutes or so, word from Frank Ogawa Plaza is that Occupy Oakland is about to move out again in attempt to take over building. But so far, no movement. We're going to take a break from our at-home coverage of the news. Here's the latest via Twitter on Occupy Oakland.
4:35 p.m.: KCBS reporter Tim Ryan's account: Protesters threw smokebombs at officers near Kaiser convention center. Police were in control there, but violence broke out as officers tried to move protesters across downtown. Reports police say metal objects and rocks were thrown; Ryan says he say charcoal thrown. Police responded with tear gas and flash bangs. He reports seeing one protester beaten by police.
4:30 p.m.: Latest: By way of KCBS: Oakland police say some officers were injured in earlier confrontation. They say at least 10 demonstrators were arrested. We haven't seen numbers on injuries to protesters.
We're posting a Storify account of the events (see below).
4:05 p.m.: Excellent running photo account of today's march here: Steve Rhodes on Flickr.
4 p.m.: The word, via OakFoSho, is that marchers are headed back to the City Hall plaza. The crowd streaming back across downtown looks pretty dispersed, and for the time being things look like they've calmed down considerably.
3:55 p.m.: KGO-ABC7 is up with a live feed of its helicopter coverage of the march: Occupy Oakland Move-in Day March
3:50 p.m.: Captured on one of the video feeds: a reasonable conversation between marchers and a police officer
Update, 3:45 p.m.: Via Twitter and livestream reports, numerous accounts of police using teargas and perhaps flash-bang devices. No visible evidence of that on the video feeds, though. The evident OPD strategy is to move the marchers back north and west across downtown.
Today's "move-in day" for Occupy Oakland—an attempt by the movement's activists to take over a vacant building in the city and set up an indoor meeting place and social center to replace the outdoor space lost when police evicted protesters from Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza outside City Hall. The apparent takeover target was the city-owned Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center. More than 100 riot-clad police officers were apparently ready for that move and blocked a march by about 1,000 Occupy Oakland protesters to get there. Now, police and marchers are in a standoff on the east side of downtown, near the Oakland Museum and Alameda County administrative offices. We're seeing many livestreams, Twitter, photo, and other online accounts, a few of which we'll try to reference here. Here's streaming video by way of the site Global Revolution.
And here's a quick Storify of this afternoon's action: