Well this is sorta interesting...

About an hour ago I got a robocall at my San Francisco home asking us to sign a petition urging Hillary Clinton to run for the Democratic presidential nomination. The call mentions the site Run Hillary 2012.net.
Apparently, this is a multi-state campaign. Published reports from the New York Daily News and Politico say the calls have been received in New York, North Carolina, and Ohio.
And now California...
Here's what's the woman on the call says:
America would be better off today if Hillary Clinton was our president. The Wall Street robber barons would be jailed, young people could afford college and find jobs and six million homeowners wouldn't face foreclosure. We need to change course. Please sign our petition to draft Hillary Clinton for president. Visit RunHillary2012.net. In 2012, we can elect Hillary Clinton president of the United States.
Sort of a stretch, those claims. And maybe Buster Posey wouldn't have broken his leg?