Here’s the audio archive of yesterday’s 9th Circuit Court hearing on two side-issues in the Proposition 8 case…
- Part 1: Hearing on whether to release the Prop 8 trial video
- Part 2: Hearing on whether Judge Vaughn Walker should have recused himself because of his long-term same-sex relationship
Also, here’s Scott Shafer’s report from this morning’s California Report, where you’ll hear some of the highlights
Update: There were many interesting exchanges in the hearing, but here’s one, at the very end, that caught the attention of many in the courtroom. Prop 8 attorney Charles Cooper winds up his summation with an impassioned plea to vacate Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling against Prop 8 due to the fact that Walker himself was in a long-term same-sex relationship. Cooper ends with the warning that if Walker’s ruling is allowed to stand, it will be “a signal and dark day for American jurisprudence.”
Then Judge Stephen Reinhardt, known as one of the more liberal judges on the Court of Appeals — and in fact one whom Prop 8 proponents tried to have removed from the case — responds. Listen…
Audio: Prop 8 attorney Charles Cooper’s finale, Judge Stephen Reinhardt’s response