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Tents, Banks, and Police: Occupy Bay Area, Week of Nov. 14

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Protesters set up a tent in a SF Bank of America branch. (Vinnee Tong, KQED News)

The Bay Area was pre-Occupied this week, with much going on in several protests related to the Occupy Wall Street movement. KQED's Ian Hill has curated a recap of the last few days, via Storify. Check it out here or below.

But first, an update on Occupy SF. KQED's Mina Kim visited the encampment at Justin Herman Plaza today, where some members were cleaning up, per Mayor Lee's dictate yesterday that the camp come into compliance with certain public safety and sanitation standards.

"Protesters are concerned about an imminent raid," Kim reports. "They’re expecting public health and public works officials to deem the camp a hazard at 4 pm today, and require it to be broken down. They are in the process of planning possible actions for 4 pm – possibly one in front of city hall."



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