The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office has released the 911 tapes related to the shootings in Cupertino two weeks ago, in which disgruntled quarry worker Shareef Allman first opened fire on co-workers at a meeting and also on a woman during an attempted carjacking in a Hewlett Packard parking lot. Three people were killed and seven wounded in the attacks, and Allman managed to elude capture overnight before being gunned down by Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies.
The San Jose Mercury News has posted audio and excerpts from 911 calls made during the first attack. The tapes reveal out-of-breath workers reporting the incident; some sound panicked, others calm. The last tape is of a woman who was driving by HP and witnessed Allman leaning over the woman he attacked in the attempted carjacking. The caller said Allman shot at her car as she drove off.