WikiLeaks' disclosure of tens of thousands of classified documents to the media has sparked passionate debate over national security and the limits of First-Amendment freedoms. On April 28, KQED News, UC Berkeley Law, and the UC Berkeley School of Information held a panel discussion called National Security and Free Speech: From Wikileaks to the Pentagon. Moderated by KQED's Scott Shafer, panel participants were:
- Daniel Ellsberg, the former U.S. military analyst who famously leaked secret Department of Defense documents that became known as the Pentagon Papers
- Lowell Bergman, former Frontline and NY Times investigative reporter
- Robert Cole, UCB Professor of Law, Emeritus
Listen to the event below:
The discussion will also be broadcast on KQED FM 88.5 on May 21 at 1:00 p.m.
This panel discussion was preceded by two others:
- Transparency and Accountability vs. Diplomacy and Deliberation
- Privately Created Public Platforms: To Whom Should They Be Accountable?
You can listen to those here.