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Video: Witnesses Describe Beating of Giants Fan Bryan Stow, Slow Security Response

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Two witnesses to the brutal beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow outside Dodger Stadium have emerged. Here’s a video of Joe Lagano and Dolores Donnelly describing the incident.

Donnelly says she heard two men yelling profanities and taunting Stow and his companions outside the stadium after the game. Stow tried to defuse the situation, she says, but the two followed and “sucker-punched” him before kicking Stow in the head while he was on the ground. She says the suspects sped away in a car with a woman and a child.

Click on photo to watch the video

The two lifetime Dodgers’ fans also describe the declining sense of safety they’ve felt at the stadium over the past few years due to unruly and hostile fans. “They do what they want,” says Lagano. “They get drunk, they have an agenda, and anybody that says anything to them or who wears the wrong colors, they want to beat your butt. They have no fear of security.”

Donnelly and Lagono also talked to KABC. “He was out from the punch,” says Lagano of Stow. “Hit the back of his head on the pavement, and at that point the guy that attacked him came up and started kicking him.” Lagano says it took 10 to 15 minutes after the incident occurred for anyone from Dodgers Stadium to arrive on the scene.

Here’s William Bratton, the former L.A. Police Chief whose security company has been hired by the Dodgers to assess stadium security, discussing his new assignment:


  • Facebook: Dodgers Fans in Support of Bryan Stow
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