First Police Chief Anthony Batts tried to fly the Oakland coop, now it appears City Attorney John Russo has also been job-hunting....
From the Oakland Tribune:
Oakland City Attorney John Russo is one of three finalists for the Alameda city manager position, sources confirmed Thursday.
Russo has been batting away rumors for weeks that he is feuding with new Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and looking for ways to leave his post. Now, however, it turns out that at least part of that rumor is true: Russo applied for the Alameda job after the recruitment period opened Feb. 1.
The search for a new city manager is moving fast. More than 65 people applied for the job. The Alameda City Council interviewed six candidates and unanimously selected three finalists during a closed-door session Feb. 19. The candidates will be reviewed by three advisory panels that will help the council make its final decision. Full article
Alex Katz of the City Attorney's Office said it could not comment at this time.
The handwriting for a Russo move has been on Jack London Square walls for weeks. Last month Russo made public a letter he sent to Mayor Jean Quan asserting that her retaining Dan Siegel as an unpaid legal advisor presented a conflict of interest, as Siegel is an outspoken opponent of the Fruitvale gang injunction that Russo has pushed.