Boy just once I'd like to write up a post about some public agency that doesn't involve the words "cut," "deficit," or "gap." (Not to mention "dismal," "gloomy," and "horrendous.")
The service cuts proposed by Caltrain yesterday sound like all those adjectives and more. Here they are, prosaically described on the Caltrain web site.
Reduction of weekday trains to 48 from 86 to run during commute hours only, and any necessary adjustments to shuttle bus services
Suspension of weekday service at up to seven of the following stations: Bayshore, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Burlingame, Hayward Park, Belmont, San Antonio, Lawrence, Santa Clara and College Park
Suspension of all service south of the San Jose Diridon station (Tamien, Capitol, Blossom Hill, Morgan Hill, San Martin and Gilroy)
Suspension of weekend service, including Tamien shuttle and holiday service
Suspension of special event service, such as baseball games and Bay to Breakers
Increase base fare by 25 cents
The Mercury News put a little more oomph into the announcement in its lead graf today:
Caltrain officials on Thursday proposed closing up to 16 stations in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties -- turning half the rail line's stops into ghost depots, stranding thousands of riders, and leaving several huge shopping and housing centers without their prized train stops next door.
Here's the paper's map of the proposed stations closings.