The Frying Pan Fire, burning in the mountains south of the Klamath River in Siskiyou County, as seen from Highway 96 east of the town of Happy Camp. The fire was one of a series of fires sparked by lightning on Aug. 11 that federal fire managers have dubbed the Happy Camp Complex. On Thursday, the fire mushroomed in size, growing by more than 12,000 acres. (Dan Brekke/KQED)

Water pounds down the spillway from the Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River. On Wednesday, a federal judge rejected a bid by two of the biggest irrigation districts in the San Joaquin Valley to stop emergency water releases intended to help Chinook salmon migrating up the Klamath and Trinity rivers. (Dan Brekke/KQED)

Vallejo firefighters respond to a fire in an old post exchange building at the former Mare Island Naval Base on Tuesday. Fire officials said the fire was not connected to Sunday’s earthquake. The earthquake damaged a recently opened museum in Mare Island's oldest building. (Craig Miller/KQED)

David Hegarty practices on the Castro Theatre’s Wurlitzer organ. He started playing at the Castro 36 years ago — before the current organ was even installed in the space. The Castro Organ Devotees Association still needs about $700,000 to complete a new organ and install it in the theater. They are working to raise money through private and corporate donations, grants and public funding. An Indiegogo campaign ends on Sept. 25. (Olivia Allen-Price/KQED)