Hillary Clinton is in town (again).
At 2:30 p.m. Hillary Time, she'll be answering questions at and on Facebook, while also plugging her book "Hard Choices." Users of the social media site are already peppering her with queries, like "Why aren't you doing a Q&A on your Myspace account?"
Click here to check out the Facebook event .
Then, for the Hillary aficionado who just can't get enough, click on over at 5:20 p.m. to her Twitter account for another round. Follow the Twitter event here.
And if you missed our own Scott Shafer's account of interviewing Hillary onstage at the Orpheum Theatre when she was here in June, it's worth a read, starting out like this:
Backstage at the Orpheum Theatre Wednesday night, I had some time to kill. I was waiting for Hillary Clinton to arrive for our onstage chat. What better reason to tweet something?
“Back stage waiting for @HillaryClinton for our conversation. What’s a good ice breaker? Maybe I’ll ask about @timlincecum and his no-hitter!” Tweet.
Within minutes, a Secret Service agent breezed by. “Just saw your tweet,” he chirped as he passed. They don’t miss a thing.
So is anyone going to pop the big question, about her running for president? Not even Bill knows for sure, according to her husband and former president of the United States.