SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP and KQED) — The California State Assembly voted Monday to make San Diego Democrat Toni Atkins its next speaker, replacing John Pérez. Atkins will be the third woman to lead the Assembly, and the first out lesbian to serve in the role. Pérez, who became Assembly speaker four years ago, was its first openly gay leader.

A transition date has not been set, but Atkins will assume the role later this spring. Pérez, a Los Angeles Democrat, is termed out this year and running for state controller.
Atkins, the Democratic majority leader, was elected to run the 80-member Assembly by unanimous voice vote. As majority leader, she will appoint members to committees and subcommittees, establish committee schedules, and allocate funds and staffing.
Democratic lawmakers praised her commitment to social justice and the diversity she brings to the job.
She called her election as speaker "surreal."