Since the video embedded above is going to be dropped multiple times into your Facebook feed any minute now, let's just get it over with and have you take a look-see.
Because while gorgeous time-lapse videos overlaid with musical arrangements meant to evoke awe and wonder at the profundity of existence have become something of a web cliche, this time-lapse video overlaid with a musical arrangement meant to evoke awe and wonder at the profundity of existence is a really good one.
Posted last Thursday, the video of Yosemite National Park was created by Colin Delehanty and Sheldon Neill as part of what they call "Project Yosemite," in which they hiked more than 200 miles in the process of capturing the images. Here is a list of the 24 locations in the film, as well as the camera equipment and outdoor gear they used.
Delehanty, 27, who lives in Burlingame, says he and Neill captured the images over nine separate trips and 45 days. They decided to embark on the project after an earlier less ambitious video received positive feedback online.
"After we made the first video, we got a lot of recommendations," he says. "I also did a lot of research online, or would read about a trail. Over time I X’ed out all these places on the map."