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Video: Chris Daly Roast

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Chris Daly is gone from the San Francisco political scene -- at least in an official capacity. But before "It's on like Donkey Kong" fades completely from memory as the only catch phrase worth repeating dozens of times per quarter hour, let's pay tribute to the man one more time by pointing you to the YouTube videos of his roast at the Independent last week.

It was a bawdy, profanity-filled affair. The first six installments from the complete boxed-set below. If you make it that far, do a YouTube search for the next 10 installments. This is must-see web viewing for any and all fans of the kind of incestuous political-insider comedy that engenders lines like, "John Avalos is on the stage, yo."

Here's Daly closing the show.

As you probably know by now, Daly is the new owner of Buck's Tavern on Market Street. His proprietorship may or may not be a draw. From one Yelp entry:

This place used to be a blast. I imagine it still could be. But...

It was purchased by phenomenal a**hat Chris Daly, whose policies at the Board of Supervisors made SOMA so unlivable that he and his family moved to the suburbs. His knee jerk, anti- anythingnotpropposedbychrisdaly politics consistently undermined his constituents, and ensured that those who most needed a voice on the Board were represented by screaming child.

Not everyone feels that way, to be sure. But I'd love to be there the first time someone bellies up to the bar and orders an appletini...


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