- Before there was the Doggie Diner, there was Fat Boy Barbecue, says The Ocean Beach Bulletin.
- Cole Valley Alley clears up the mystery of the cobble-stone semi-circles at Frederick and Shrader and 13th and Folsom.
- Tri-City Beat reports on Fremont's Bikini Barista coffee shop.
- Calbuzz doesn't like Arnold Schwarzenegger, apparently. In a post titled "Arnold's Exit Reeks," the blog bemoans "the parade of hacks, sycophants and cronies that he and his Chief of Staff Susan Kennedy shamelessly appointed to six-figure scam government jobs," and the commutation of the prison sentence of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez's son. The blog also calls him "a phony huckster who held California captive to his unbridled narcissism," for good measure.
Blog Beat: What Was There Before Doggie Diner?; Bikini Barista Coffee Shack; "Arnold's Exit Reeks"