Nothing to do on Christmas Day? Before you open presents and sit down for the holiday feast, you could volunteer a few hours of your time.
There still may be openings to deliver meals to people, or help prepare and serve meals, and clean up. But sign up as soon as possible:
- Singers, musicians, magicians, puppeteers, face painters and more are needed at Christmas for Everyone in Concord on Dec. 25. CFE, which will serve meals, hand out gifts and gently used clothing, also needs help in the dining room, present room, in the clothing room, on the safety team, etc. Sign up with the volunteer form here.
- Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs and FNB founder Keith McHenry will serve a vegan meal for 1,000 people in the community on Dec. 25. Volunteers are needed beginning at 9 a.m.; dinner will be served at 2 p.m. downtown, across from the post office. Call (575) 770-3377.
- There are a few slots left to help deliver meals to homebound individuals in San Francisco with the Salvation Army. Volunteers should have a vehicle, and a passenger to help drop off the meals. Three-hour shifts begin at 8, 8:30 and 9 a.m.
- Prep help is still needed 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Glide Memorial in San Francisco, which serves thousands of homeless and needy families meals during Christmas week. Most slots to help prepare and serve meals are filled tomorrow, but check this calendar for availability later in the week.
- Support San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood with SF City Impact. Pay a $25 registration fee (kids under 10 are free), which underwrites the event, and help deliver 5,000 hot meals and 500 bags of groceries to homes, serve 300 sit-down Christmas dinners, and hand out toys to 300 children. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Get details and sign up here.