Man Accused of Attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Will Be Arraigned Today in San Francisco Superior Court
42-year-old David De Pape is making his first appearance in court since his arrest on Friday at Pelosi’s house. DePape faces both local and federal charges after the attack, which left Paul Pelosi with a fractured skull.
Bay Area Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speier Warns Her Colleagues In Congress That There Needs To Be A Change In The Radicalized American Political Culture
Representative Speier knows about violence wielded by extremists. In 1978 on a trip to the South American country of Guyana to investigate Jim Jones and his People’s Temple cult, the then 28-year-old was shot five times in an ambush by followers of Jones. At the time, Speier worked for congressman Leo Ryan. Ryan and four other people were killed in the attack.
This Election Season Voters In San Bernardino Will Vote To Consider Breaking Away From California